If you want a spotless, sparkling bathroom and kitchen, you must learn how to eliminate limescale buildup. In areas with a lot of water, these unsightly white marks tend to accumulate and can be difficult to remove, especially if you have hard water. Do you want to know how to remove limescale from taps, showers, toilets, and other fixtures?

The good news is that you already have all the necessary items in your home to get rid of limescale. You can effectively remove limescale by utilising citric acid in lemons or acetic acid in vinegar.

What is limescale?

Limescale, also known as hard water deposits, is a white, chalky substance that builds up over time in areas with hard water. Hard water contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium, and when the water evaporates, it leaves behind mineral deposits that gradually accumulate and harden, forming limescale.

This buildup can occur on various surfaces in your home that come into contact with water, including bathroom, shower, taps and kitchen fixtures, pipes, appliances, and even on your glassware and dishes.

Discover when it is appropriate to use natural ingredients from your kitchen cupboards and when powerful professional limescale removers are your only option to get rid of limescale.

How to remove limescale from appliances

You can use vinegar and lemon juice to remove limescale deposits while also freshening up the insides of your machines.

Washing machine

To clean your washing machine, substitute a large cup of either liquid for your regular detergent and run a regular washing cycle without any clothes. This process will help eliminate limescale buildup and keep your machine running smoothly.


The methods you can use to descale your dishwasher are not dissimilar to those you can apply when cleaning your washing machine. Just add the chosen ingredient /chemical or natural/ in the base of the equipment and run an empty cycle.

Tip: Using dishwasher salt tablets will help soften the water and prevent limescale from building up.

Coffee makers and kettles

How do you get limescale out of a coffee maker? What is the best way to descale a kettle? Both kitchen devices can be descaled in the same way:

# Method 1: Add 2 tablespoons of water softener to your kettle, fill it with water, and boil for a couple of minutes. Run your coffee machine (without coffee) by mixing the water with a softener. For both devices,  you can replace the water softener with a dental cleaning tablet, too. Rinse thoroughly with clean water at the end.

# Method 2: Soak your kettle/coffee maker overnight in white vinegar or lemon juice (half full). Top the appliances with water and boil/run the device. Rinse with clean water.

Tip: The two cleaning procedures can be used as a preventative measure. Or in other words, you don’t need to wait until your morning cup of tea is decorated with white flakes, dancing in a float, to remind you that it’s time to clean the kettle.

Descaling an iron

If you own a steam iron and live in a hard water area, the device will inevitably suffer at some point from clogging up with limescale. And although most models have self-cleaning functionality, here’s what you can do to facilitate the descaling process.

Dilute white vinegar with water (1:1) and fill the iron reservoir until it’s a third full. Steam the iron for about 10 minutes on medium heat. Then, repeat the process with clean water to remove all mineral residuals. Note that some models do not recommend the use of vinegar, so refer to the manufacturer’s instructions in advance.

So, there you have it, our professional advice on how to get rid of limescale from your household appliances and surfaces. These cleaning methods prevent limescale, so regular cleaning may prevent deposits from forming. You can always book a one-off cleaning service with Ds Cleaners.

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